In the Innovation Academy, the educational program I am a part of, we focus a lot on real-world applications of work. A big part of this involved creating videos and sharing them with the Lima community. Here are some examples of the films I have created.
Through the first semester of my junior year in high school, I was presented the task of completing a micro-documentary that told the story of a company. After a couple of weeks of research, my group decided base it on La Folie, a small café with a tender story. Over four months we interviewed, filmed and edited the video in order to get the best results. To the right you can see my final work.
Detrás de la Quinua from Frances Fischman on Vimeo. |
During the second semester of Junior year in the Innovation Academy, we went in depth into economic concepts and local issues. After many iterations, a peer and I spent months researching, writing and producing a documentary about the fluctuation of the quinoa price in Peru. On the left-hand side you'll find a Vimeo link with optional english subtitles, enjoy!
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