SKILLS PERSEVERANCE INITIATIVEThroughout my summer, I decided to cultivate a new habit: morning jogging. Besides the numerous health benefits of exercise, I thought that building a routine of waking up early would come in handy when school started again. Once I had the idea, I began investigating routes. I looked at google maps and found that my house was 2.5 km away from the closest gym, perfect. I knew that I was out of shape when it comes to cardiovascular exercises like jogging; it had been about a month or two since I last exercised, so I knew that I had to start slow. I made a general plan stating wake-up times and the estimated time of arrival, this was just an educated guess since everyday I'd be timing myself. Since I knew that I'd be going to the beach on Fridays, I decided to adapt my plan for then. I would jog on mornings as well, but I would do so in Asia's sidewalk. I programmed to have two rest days at first, but as time goes by I may reduce it.
Up to now I have only done three days jogging and I can already feel the improvement. Regardless of the fact that my endurance has grown, before this, I had never jogged in pavement. What I mean to say is that I tend to run on the treadmill rather than on cement, and my parents usually don't allow me to go through the streets alone, so this whole experience is sort of new to me. Recognizing that, I'm highly disoriented with my surroundings when it comes to streets and avenues, being my own driver has truly shown me how to look around and see where I'm going; plus the alone time is great for personal reflection. Now, I have committed to keeping this routine up at least all through January, with the hopes that every week I can do so in less time. I assume that by the last days of this month I am not only going to be able to arrive at the gym and leave but also being able to be able to perform muscular exercises in it. As time goes by I can try new routes and get to know my surroundings better, in all this has and will continue being a highly rewarding experience.
February 2016
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